612-643-1LUV (612-643-1588) babyadoptus@gmail.com

Sunday, March 24, 2030

Hello and thank you so much for visiting our site. Our names are Emily and Marcus and we are ready to start our family. This is our adoption website that will hopefully allow you to get to know us and who we are as people. Please select any of the above tabs in order to navigate this site. Also, we would very much appreciate you passing this site onto your friends and family. Peace and Love to you!
-Emmy and Marcus

Sunday, March 24, 2013

In order to expand our family, we have chosen to pursue domestic infant adoption. We are so excited to start this process.

This page will help explain the adoption process to any potential birth parents. We want to be as transparent as possible in regards to what adoption entails, both for us and for the parent(s) who will be allowing us to adopt their child.

We will be adopting through the agency Minnesota Children’s Home Society. They have partnered with Lutheran Social Services. (Please note that LSS does not require the adoptive or birth parents to be Lutheran.) These agencies are some of the best in the state when it comes to advocating for the child, the adopting family, and the birth family.

There are two kinds of domestic infant adoption: Open and Closed. Open means that the adopting family and birth family know each other. Most of the time, the birth family chooses the adopting family. During the pregnancy there can be some contact or there can be a great deal of contact. It is all up to the birth family. Some adopting couples just get periodic updates through the agency while others go to doctors appointments and even watch the birth. Again, this is 100% up to the birth family. After the child is born and adopted, the birth family can receive little to a lot of contact from the child’s family. This too is all up to the birth family. Some birth families find it difficult to have a great deal of contact so they may just ask for a letter and pictures every six months. Others enjoy being involved in the adopting family’s life and become part of the family. All of these things will be decided by both families and guidance will be given by the adoption agencies.

A Closed, or Confidential, adoption can also vary. In general, it means that the birth and adopting families have little contact. Often it also means that the adopted child knows little of their birth family. Some birth and adopting families find this type of adoption to be less emotional and/or painful.

Children’s Home/LSS advocate for Open adoptions. Their main reasoning is that it has proven to be the healthiest thing for the child. Because of this, we would prefer to have an Open adoption. How “open” is very much negotiable and we will work with the birth family to make sure that everyone is happy with the terms. A Closed adoption may also be an option if it proves to be the best for both families.

Our agencies make the adoption process for the birth mother/family as stress free as possible. They offer financial help, education, and housing assistance. The mother’s pregnancy will be free of any out of pocket costs for her or her family.

Our agency can also help us adopt through any of the 50 US states. Therefore the birth family does not have to reside in Minnesota.

We are very open to adopting a child of either gender, living in any state, and of ANY race. We would be honored to parent any child, even if they do not share our same heritage. We will be great parents to our children regardless of any physical differences. Any child would be a blessing to our family.

If you require additional information regarding the adoption process, please contact us at babyadoptus@gmail.com.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013